Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Also the Twitter

This project also has a Twitter page, if you are interested, you can follow @MrsMommyWeasley or just go to the Twitter page at

The actual paper.

If you are actually interested, here is a copy of the paper. I know the argument isn't as strong as it could be, but I got a B so that's something.

Let the magic begin

The main purpose for this blog, is that it was created as part of my project for my ENC 1145 class. This class is called Writings on Harry Potter and Popular Culture (MUCH more of the ladder than former) and as part of our assignment, we had to make our research paper into a project. We have to get the word out there. That whole idea seems strange, I know, but once you know what we had to get out there, it will be a lot simpler. In short, we had to convince others of our argument through various forms of media. My whole idea is that Harry Potter actually reinforces gender roles through characters like Molly Weasley. Although she is sometimes seen as a fighter (like in the last battle), she is over all a typical mom: cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids.
Now who can ever forget this part?

Now, although J.K. Rowling meant to do it or not (I think not) she did make Molly the idea of a "typical" female, or rather, what is often expected of them. This can actually be re-enforcing gender roles because I definitely admired and wanted to be Molly for years. Then that whole idea created a whole lot of memes, super funny, but you'll get my idea.
This may just be my personal favorite. It's true, yet she looks like a badass.

I feel like most of the Memes are about the same idea. That whole killing Bellatrix bit, but it suits her, it's where she stands out.